Hot Water Holidays

Year: 2018

Exhibition: Places to Be

Medium: Acrylic on Board with resin finish

Size: 1200mm x 900mm


SKU: PG18PB-014 Categories: , , Tags: ,


When I was a boy I went on a holiday to Hot Water Beach with my dad. We free camped in the middle carpark with a few other people and surfed everyday. It was awesome. When Paul was 15 Grandad dropped him and Duncan off to camp for a couple of weeks. They surfed everyday and crawled back to their campsite at night. He likes to tell of the girl that lured him back to her tent one night. She had her own car, a Mark 1 Zephyr and was three years older. But when grandad got a look at that mark 1 Zephyr he put a stop to it straight away. Poor Paul. I myself returned when I was old enough to drive on my own surfing holiday. We free camped near the beach and got some awesome waves. The great thing about Hot Water Beach is that you can have a surf then go relax in the hot pools and relax and watch the waves. There is no where else like it. Only now the campsite is gone, free camping is a no no and the pools are inundated with busloads of tourists each day. The southern end is lined with baches and there is a flash cafe or two close by. Yet despite this it still remains one of my favourite beaches in the world. DOC own most of the beach so that remains untouched and it’s easy to get away from the crowd. In fact, it?s pretty easy to be by yourself there most days. Unless you want to chat to a tourist at low tide. I quite enjoy the throng of people and it means I don?t have to dig my own hole. I just wait till someone leaves and jump into theirs. And talking to Germans in bikinis is not really that much of a bummer. In fact I quite enjoy it.