Checking the Surf
I could say this was about many things because to me it suggest many occasions. Driving to the beach the road is often long and dusty. As a kid I would be sitting in the back waiting for the journey to come to an end. Often car sick or hungry, the rides always seemed to go on forever. Then when we did arrive this didn?t mean we were going to stay. After bounding out of the car and attacking the sand dunes with wild abandon, we would often get reeled back in the wagon to go and check the next beach only to end up back where we started. We eventually settled and spent a fun time on the beach while my dad surfed. Then maybe on the way home we would check one last break at the lower tide. We were all paying the wind would change so we could get home to bed.Such is the nature of surfing. That’s how I grew up. Now my kids get the same. Haha.