A Place to be Naked

This year I have returned to a favourite theme of mine for sculpture on shore. Our naked body. I could give you the long version but briefly, it’s about being human. We really are fine just the way we are. There is nothing wrong with being naked. There is nothing wrong with clothes either. Especially when it’s a bit nippy. But I object to the stigma society has placed over the human form over the centuries. I have sought to desensitise the issue by showing people naked when they would otherwise have their clothes on. It’s that simple. Clothes or no clothes. We are all human underneath.

What I have done is create conversations in the landscape. This is not just a group of people hanging out in the nude. It is a snapshot of what you may see people doing in a park or a social gathering. Playing cricket, drinking a couple of beers, having an argument, doing yoga, a walk with the family or a passionate embrace with a lover. It’s all there. Only this time everyone is naked.

All sculptures in this installation are sold separately and are numbered and named. 

Made of laminated macrocarpa they are perfect for indoor or outdoor use.

Returning after a five-year hiatus, the exhibition will be open to the public from the 4th to the 19th of November. Proceeds from the sale of each work at this iconic event, now in its 27th year, go to Women’s Refuge NZ.